Relax and Choose Your Subscription Plan Today

Servicing Islanders from Victoria to Shawnigan Lake, Cobble Hill & Langley, BC

Relax and Choose Your Subscription Plan Today

Serving Islanders from Victoria to Shawnigan Lake, BC and Greater Langley, BC

Relax and Choose Your Subscription Plan Today

Relax and Choose Your Subscription Plan Today

Sign up for the Subscription Package that Best Suits Your Lifestyle!
Starting as low as $172+GST/Month

Relax and Choose Your Subscription Plan Today

Sign up for the Subscription Package that Best Suits Your Lifestyle!

Years Of
Detailing Experience
0 +
Goldfish Crackers
Working Parents
Saved From Car Chaos

Services We Offer
Detailing Services

Cars, trucks, jeeps…whatever you have, you can either start a monthly subscription to our auto detailing service OR simply book us for one session.

Working vehicles need to look sharp, too. Our fleet packages have varying costs, as they depend on what services you want.

All Commercial detailing requires, at minimum, a 6-month contract.

4 Of The Most Common Car Detailing Issues
& How Fig’s Solves Them

1 You can’t be without your car for a full day — you not only had to drop off your car and get picked up by someone, but now you won’t get your vehicle back until late evening or tomorrow. This just won’t do—you have 3 meetings and your kid’s soccer practice to get to! Not to mention grocery shopping, and dance class.

Our Solution

We understand that time is of the essence, especially for working parents. All of Fig’s Auto packages are done in under 4 hours, leaving you with plenty of time in the day to complete your tasks and be there for your loved ones.

2 You sent in your vehicle to be detailed and didn’t like the results — the car you got back is just as filthy as before. Dirt is still caked on the floor, hair is still clinging to every surface, and your windshield is still blotchy.

Our Solution

Our attention to detail and passion for our work gives you a high level of service. Your car will shine better than it did when it was first driven off the lot.

3 You want mobile detailing, but you don’t have the space — whether you’re at work or home, you don’t have a spot for your car to be detailed. You also don’t have the time to drop your car off and get someone to pick you up.

Our Solution

Not every house or workplace has the space or plug-ins for car detailing. If that’s the case for you, we can pick up your vehicle and return it once we’re done!

4 The detailing company you want to hire doesn’t have insurance — what happens if they damage your car? What if they slip and hurt themselves on your property?

Our Solution

We are fully insured and are covered with WCB, so feel at ease. Safety and quality are a high priority in all work settings.

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4 Great Things
About Fig's Mobile Detailing

1 We come to you — we come to your workplace or home to clean up your vehicle, as long as you have water and power hook-ups we can utilize.

2 The products we use aren’t harmful — don’t fret about harsh chemicals. Our products are all eco, pet, and driveway friendly.

3 We save you time and car embarrassment — cleaning your car yourself takes far too much effort. Yet you hate whenever someone gets a glimpse of your vehicle. Mobile detailing is quick, effortless, and ensures your car will never embarrass you again.

4 Choose from subscriptions or a one-time service — a monthly subscription not only gives you peace of mind when it comes to your vehicle, but it also gives us the opportunity to keep your car as stunning as possible. However, if you just want help getting your car to where it needs to be, we also offer one-time services.

Clean interior of vehicle

Have Your Vehicle Exquisitely Detailed
(In Under 4 Hours!)

At Your Home OR Workplace

We give your car TLC so you don’t have to.

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Fig's 6-Step
Detailing Process

1 Decision — Decide on the subscription or one-time service you’re interested in

2 Contact — Phone or email us (email form is on our contact page) for a consultation, which entails:

  • Figuring out the level of care your vehicle/boat requires (we may find your vehicle needs to
  • Get ‘caught up’ on cleaning in the first month before we move to a maintenance package. Or, you may not need the level of clean you think you do.)

3 Arrival — We arrive on-site (whether it’s your home or workplace!). Unless you need us to take your vehicle to our workplace, this is when you point out where your water and power hook-ups are located

4 Vehicle Inspection — before you leave us to our devices, we carefully inspect your vehicle and look for the following (this is a short 5-minute step):

  • Pre-existing damage, scratches, and dents (some we may be able to repair, some may be too extensive)
  • Review the nitty-gritty areas that have been irking you (is there a crusty stain that’s been hanging out on the side of your driver’s seat for months? Is your windshield extra splotchy?)
  • Remove your personal belongings out of your vehicle and store them somewhere safe while we work

5 The Detail — Now you’re free to leave and do what you will while we make your car/boat immaculate. For cars and jeeps, this step takes no more than 4 hours!

6 Post-Detail Inspection — Once we’re done, we let you know and have you come inspect our work with us (this step also includes vehicle drop-off if we took your car to our site). This inspection only takes 5 minutes and includes:

  • A review ensuring all problematic areas pointed out during the first inspection have been dealt with (this includes stain removal and minimal repairs)
  • A presentation of any items we uncovered during the detailing
  • Placing all of your personal belongings back into your vehicle (minus garbage and cracker crumbs)

That’s it, that’s all. If you still have any questions about our services and process, don’t be shy. Give us a call or email!

Ready to have your car or commercial vehicle detailed?

Mobile Detailing Service

How it Works

  1. Choose your service and purchase online.
  2. Book a time for us to detail your vehicle.
  3.  Get your vehicle fully detailed in under 4 hours AT YOUR HOME OR WORKPLACE.